"You guys better buckle your chinstraps. This is where the fun starts."

So, why Falcon?

Well, look at him. He's Captain Falcon. What isn't cool about him?

Even before I properly got into F-Zero (my only experience with it being demos of the SNES game on various Nintendo platforms), I've always thought Falcon was a really neat character. I loved playing as him in Super Smash Bros., primarily because of his design and exaggerated machismo, which seems to be a trend with my favorite characters. His silhouette is so striking, and the deep blue of his racesuit is my favorite color.

I also just liked how he moves. I don't mean his moveset, just how he literally moves and the way he carries himself. Crazy flips and sprinting, it's kinda exhilerating just watching him do crazy stunts. A bit embarassing, but when I first started lifting weights a few years back, I'd always think to myself: "I wanna be shredded like Falcon!" Corny, but oddly motivating...

Naturally, I wanted to know more about Falcon as a character and not just a Smash rep. I ended up watching his F-Zero GX interview one day to ease myself in, and that boosted my interest tenfold. He's so reserved compared to his Smash portrayal, It's oddly cute.

...Which lead to days upon days reading about F-Zero, finally playing GX for myself (and loving it), binging the anime, rereading the SNES comic over and over, yadda yadda yadda. I discovered some new favorites, such as Blood Falcon, Samurai Goroh, Beastman, and Super Arrow, but none of them have been at the forefront of my mind like Captain Falcon.

There's a mystery to him that the others don't have. Many members of the F-Zero cast have very cut and dry morals, but Falcon is somehwat gray. He's a bounty hunter by trade, and doesn't hesitate to use force while on the job. In the player's eyes, he's "good", since he thwarts the plans of Black Shadow, but prior to GX he seemed to only act in his self interest. He was, and still kinda is, Nintendo's own Batman.

In the story mode of GX, he's a bit more heroic, and I like to think that this change was due to the huge F-Zero accident he and many pilots were involved in. Having nearly been at deaths door and only living thanks to the medical expertise of Dr. Stewart, I can imagine that would make someone's principles shift a little.

To cut a long story short, I think he's really neat. I want to know what's going on in his head and why he's who he is. He has so much willpower and drive!

To cut a short story even shorter, I'd give him a big 'ol smooch.